Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My working trip to India

India is full of wisdom and excitement and a feeling of tremendous energy and wellbeing yet, it also has its polar opposite as well. 

I was blessed to have had the opportunity to recently work in India and bring my skill set to a country that holds great respect in my heart. It was a privilege to work with my client and his family along with the teachers and pupils within the schools.  Great respect was bestowed upon my husband and I as we entered the school districts and those attending were full of hope, anticipation and excitement at what I was there to accomplish. It appeared both teachers and pupils anticipated a shift was going to take place but we all seemed unsure how this process was going to unfold.  However, the universe has a wonderful way of ensuring things happen at the right place and time. 

There are no coincides in life, I do feel a certain part of it is mapped out for us and when we are in alignment then we get taken to the places that we need to go.  We need to get out of our comfort zones and just be with the energy and people.  

In India time seems irrelevant, and while things happen it might not be when and where you desire it. Sometimes in life we try to control where and when we do things and while this can be a good thing, there are times when we need to let go and flow with the energy. My timetable when flying out the window within two days of my time in India and I let the universe and my client decide where I needed to be. 

                                                   one of the wonderful schools in Bangalore

I am still processing my experience in India, having only arrived back to Ireland two weeks ago, and whilst we were only there for  2 weeks if felt like months because of our incredible experiences and the diverse energies present.  

I don’t think anything can prepare you for a trip into an ancient land where people smile and greet you with openness and respect and do not harbour judgment. Nevertheless, it appears people communicate on the street differently by bellowing their car horns continuously at each other, saying, “I’m here, “hello” and this I did find stressful.  

While I am still working on my Indian projects from my cabin in Ireland, I must say I do miss the presence of the people, their warm and welcoming nature and the land cloaked in great wisdom. However, I can’t say that I miss the fast moving traffic and noise as my husband and I nearly lost our life when trying to cross a really busy street within the first 12 hours of being in Bangalore.   

I am so honoured and humbled to have been chosen to work on the various schools in India. The children, in years to come, will be fully supported in their learning as the energy’s and environment will be enhanced for their personal benefits. 

I will do my utmost to honour my projects at hand and help my client, his family, their teachers and pupils to empower the changes we bring so that all can experience the oneness of love and acceptance of others in their unique journey through life. 

I leave with one of my favourite quotes from Salman Rushdie 

“ The only people who see the whole picture, are the ones who step out of the frame.”


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