Thursday, October 3, 2019

Houses hold memories

Elephants just like houses, never forget. 

Regarding memories in the house, I am not referring to nostalgia here.  All buildings just like batteries hold memory.  A building will be more energetically “charged” if the activities carried on within its walls, over time have resulted in a reservoir of energy that lingers.

Many people build new homes because they think the energies will be new and fresh and they do not realise that the energy patterns from the land can and will seep into the very fabric of our homes and workplaces.

When the energies are off in a home:

  • the children will normally feel it first especially when under the age of six, due to having so many receptors active.  Children will not be able to articulate it but they will just feel off and can act up especially at night time.    
  • it will affect your sleep pattern, 
  • constantly drained, 
  • perhaps certain rooms are constantly colder that other room,
  • frequent sickness in the home affecting some family members.

With my Feng Shui work and Shamanic training I have also cleared homes from spirits and geopathic stress.   Please always respect the spirits of the land,  and if you have a ring fort close by then always get permission before you enter their space.

Some people use sage to clear a house, but please remember to wake up the spirit of the sage before you use it.  You can also use other house clearing sprays too for example:

  • you can boil ivy for 20 minutes with the intent of clearing any spirits / energies.  
  • you can also put an ivy leaf in each corner of the house and this will help keep bad spirits away.
There is a rapid awakening going on today, a realisation that life is more than meets the eye.  Many people are becoming aware and respectful of energy and the invisible forces influencing our well-being.  

On a collective level we are recognising unseen influences like relationship stress, emotional trauma, environmental pollution and the strain of dealing with health challenges.   

Some of us are becoming more aware that love, prayer and intention have enormous healing affects for us, yet, we still have not fully understand how this is all possible.   

The etheric energies around us are shaping us in either a positive or a negative way.  

Food heals, positive thoughts heal, love heals, water heals, nature heals and conscious breathing heals.  

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