Thursday, January 20, 2022


Water Tiger 2022


The Ox in 2021 took its orders from Saturn, and the water Tiger will be led from Uranus, a planet whose mission in life is to disrupt “the system.”


As the lines converge and Uranus awakens setting off the cosmic alarm-clock bringing big shocks and surprises.   It’s the planet of breakthroughs, and those triggering events you don’t expect.  As the higher octave of Mercury relates to the genius streak of the mind.


The year of the Water Tiger will bring rollercoaster rides of emotion and memories you are unlikely to forget. 

2022 is the Yang-Water Tiger year. Yang-Water is connected to flowing water, river, or cloud.  Tiger is a symbol of power and loneliness. 

Water years help restore fluidity to our lives. Rigid rules were applied during metal years (2020 & 2021) which made people feel fenced in and controlled.


Heightened intuition in the Water Tiger year and many more people will begin to follow their feelings rather than their rational mind. Let it go so it can flow, as the time is coming for creativity, innovation and deep insights!  

Water flows freely, shapeshifting from frozen to liquid to invisible gas. Seemingly solid situations don’t appear to be solid anymore and people will begin to question more. 


Tigers long to break free from structure. Tigers love adventure, are very competitive and confident. At the same time, they have a high sense of justice, are protective and supportive. Tiger years tend to be solitary, will people opt out of society rather than play by the ever changing rules! 


Uranus is knowns in astrology as the “Awakener”, since its aspects bring sudden changes and shocks.  It rules Aquarius, the quirky innovator, and sometimes these upheavals are a necessary break from restrictions in favour of a more liberated path!