Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nurture your physical body - the temple of your Soul

Feng Shui is all about balance and whilst I mainly work on the energies in buildings, I also wanted to write a short blog on the importance of foods. 

It’s so important to nurture your physical body, the temple of your soul. Cook with a new level of awareness.  Fresh well prepared food nourishes not only through its chemical constitution but also through its energy field.

  • Cook slowly and lovingly on low heat to protect the nutrients whilst also ensuring ease of digestion.
  • Spices have a healing quality so introduce when possible to your dishes.
  • Try not to consume too much processed foods, or meat substitutes that are so popular today.
  • Rebuild your body with foods from mother earth, not processed foods from the factory floor.  

Eating too much processed foods like pizza and chips introduces too much heat into the body causing you to become anxious, sluggish and tired whilst also negatively affecting the chemicals in the brain.   
  • Too much heat in the body, then introduce more cooling foods, like salads, cucumber & vegetables. 

  • Beats for cleansing the gall bladder and liver.
  • Leafy greens to heal the lungs.
  • Root vegetables to ground in your energies and mineralise the brain. As Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli are rich in brain-healthy nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene. Research suggests these plant-based foods may help slow cognitive decline

Introduce fresh herbs when possible to your dishes to help the body rebalance and de-toxify. A harmony of good foods to nurture your vitality. Conscious breeding and meditation to release blocks within the body.